Friday, February 14, 2025

Week of February 17th


Important Dates:

February 17 - Professional Learning Day - No School 
February 19 - Parent/Teacher Conferences (Call the office to schedule an appointment)
February 19 - Spring Picture Day
March 13 - End of Third Nine Weeks 
April 14-21 - Spring Break - NO SCHOOL 
April 22 - Return to School

We will just have one trial quiz on all 20 words and 5 vocabulary words on Thursday and the retake on Friday for those who don't make an A.

Spelling 21 List:

Bible Memory Verse:

Proverbs: 3:5
"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding."

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Week of February 10th


It's Homecoming Week!! Remember, the class with the most points for participating in Spirit Week will win a trip out for lunch :) So keep it simple, or go over the top... either way, just participate if you can :)

Important Information

Friday, February 14th: Class Valentine's Party 10am-12:30ish

Monday, February 17th: No Students- Professional Learning Day

I'll send home a printed version of this on Monday. 

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Week of February 3rd


2/10-15 HOMECOMING: Our class will receive points for dressing up during Spirit Week.  Have fun with it!

2/17: Professional Learning Day- No School for students

2/19: Parent/Teacher Conferences- Call the office to schedule a conference

3/13: End of 3rd 9 Weeks

4/14-21: Spring Break

This Upcoming Week:
We are still playing catch up due to classroom interruptions.  This week I will be assigning homework each day except for Wednesday.  I'll post those assignments in Dojo.
I am pushing their quiz on the southeast states over to Tuesday as we didn't get time to study in class on Friday with the early release. 

Trial quiz on first half on Tuesday, trial quiz on second half on Thursday

Bible Memory Verses:
Psalm 119:114-115

114: Thou art my hiding place and my shield: I hope in thy word. 115. Depart from me, ye evildoers; For I will keep the commandments of my God.

Monday, January 20, 2025

January 21st Snow Packet Day


Nontraditional Learning Day


Students will complete their Snow Day Packet #5 for today.  

This week's memory verse is:
"May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my strength and my redeemer." Psalm 19:14

All handouts were sent home last week.

Spelling List 15 Quiz for those who need to take it will be our first day back in class.

History books were left in the classroom.  So here are photos of the pages (I believe they enlarge if you click on them):

Thursday, January 16, 2025

January 16th Snow Day Packet


Nontraditional Learning Day
Snow Day Packet

I sent their Snow Day packets home with them yesterday if they were in class.  

Please remind them that we will have our second half of our spelling quiz on List 15 when we return.  

Their Bible lesson for today is to recite their memory verse.  This will be the memory verse for next week's quiz.  So they haven't seen it yet, and will not be quizzed until next Friday. 

Psalm 19:14 "May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my strength and my redeemer."

Now is a good time to review some skills we've learned in class over the past couple of months.  The following are links to Youtube Videos that would be a good refresher for them.  But they are OPTIONAL to watch.

Math: Division

Math: Greater Than, Less Than, Equal To

Math: 6 Facts (some will roll their eyes at Jack Hartman haha)

Math: 6 Facts Randomized

Language: Capitalization

History: Benjamin Banneker

Thursday, January 9, 2025

January 10th Snow Day Packet


Nontraditional Learning Day


1.  Complete this capitalization worksheet: People and Titles

If you cannot print this out, please write the sentences and underline your corrected capital letters.

2.  Write all of your spelling words in alphabetical order.  You can print or write them in cursive.

3.  Complete this math facts worksheet: Math Facts 2-5

If you cannot print this out, please write solve them on a separate piece of paper.  They can just write the number and then the answer.  No need to copy the problem.

4.  Read any book for 15 minutes then tell me about what you read by writing about what happened in 3-4 sentences.  

Optional: Build a fort out of pillows and blankets and read your book in the fort :)

5.  Optional assignment: take a moment to pray for at least 3 of your classmates.  

January 9th Snow Day Packet


Nontraditional Learning Day
Snow Packet

Please complete one other option from the Snow Day Choice Board.  You will complete one item from Spelling, one from Math, and one from ELA.  You will have a total of 4 assignments which includes a writing assignment.

Week of February 17th

  Important Dates: February 15 - HOMECOMING AT NLCA February 17 - Professional Learning Day - No School  February 19 - Parent/Teacher Confer...